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  • gracechenggundran

Staying safe and motivated during the quarantine period

Updated: Apr 12, 2020

While the world is on a major reset, this can also be the best possible time for you to reorganize and utilize your time to be more productive even while at home.

Here are 5 simple tips to stay motivated and be on track.

Tip #1 : Get organized.

Tidy up your home and fix your items that have piled up throughout the years. Sort out your old belongings. Generally, items that are left unused for more than a year must go. You can donate your unused items to charity or sell these items to improve your cash flow especially this season. Check out Marie Kondo's Konmari method which you can use as guide to get organized.

Tip # 2: Finish an old project.

Do you have any DIY projects that have been kept in the shelves for years? A painting that somehow you never got to finish? Or any other project that has been sitting for awhile since you just can’t find the time to finish? This is the perfect time to complete these projects! Also a great way to relax and keep away from those negative vibes coming your way.

Tip #3 : Start your way to fitness.

Fight the temptation to stay in bed all day long by having a schedule of your daily fitness routine. Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the duration and level of difficulty as you progress.

And make sure to stay committed to this routine even after the quarantine period so you shall stay healthy and become stronger to fight off any kind of disease.

Tip #4: Plan, plan, plan!

Get creative and make your own dream board of your goals in the future. Hang it on your wall or have it framed and placed in your side table. The idea is that your dream board must be visibly seen in your home everyday. A goal is just a dream without a plan. Create a list of small steps on how you can achieve your goals and assign a timeline for each step. Eventually, you will see your dreams coming into reality piece by piece.

Tip #5: Stay connected.

We have been told to practice social distancing physically but this doesn’t mean to stay out of touch from friends and family. Be sure to ‘say a hello’ once in a while through text or online messages or be up for a video call. This shall surely bring cheers to your loved ones and also give your soul a lift especially during these trying times.

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